Apply Online | Secure Upload

Online Rental Application

. Tour the apartment before applying

. All occupants 18 yrs+ at move-in must apply 

. All minor and other occupants must be listed 

. Review the "Applying & Qualifying"  section below

If you Apply,  be ready to Sign a Lease and pay Move-in costs once you're approved! 

                                                                Thank You for Applying!

Application Fees are Non-Refundable.

A Cosigner's Role

Our Cosigner Agreement is not required unless it is needed to assist with approval of active Students and recent Graduates.  Some exceptions may apply.  Verification of applicant status is required.

Cosigners are not accepted to replace inadequate income for other financial reasons, other than stated above for Students or recent Graduates.

Cosigners must be a Parent, Grandparent, or Legal Guardian.  

Cosigners must agree to guarantee the full performance of the Lease, any Addendum or extension to the Lease Agreement. 

Only a Notarized Cosigner Agreement is accepted.  (Download below)

Cosigners do not need to complete a Rental Application.

A Cosigner Agreement does not replace a Rental Application for the occupant.  

Notarized Cosigner Agreements are to be uploaded in PDF document format only thru tab link above 'Send us Docs :: Secure Upload'.


No Picture formats are accepted.

Thank you for your support!

Submitting Additional Documents

This secure link is to upload & send documents to us.

Thank you!  We will be in touch soon!

                               Thank You !

A Cosigner's Role

Our Cosigner Agreement is not required unless it is needed to assist with approval of active Students and recent Graduates.  Some exceptions may apply. Verification of applicant status is required.

Cosigners are not accepted to replace inadequate income or for any financial reasons, except as stated above.

Cosigners must be a Parent, Grandparent, or Legal Guardian.  

Cosigners must agree to guaranty the full performance of the Lease, any Addendum, or extension to the Lease Agreement. 

Only a  Notarized Cosigner Agreement is accepted.  (Download below)

Cosigners do not need to complete a Rental Application.

A Cosigner Agreement does not replace a Rental Application for the occupant.  

Cosigner forms are to be uploaded in PDF document format only, thru tab link above  'Send us Docs :: Secure Upload'  

No Picture formats are accepted.

Thank you for your support!

Submitting Additional Documents

This secure link is to upload & send 

additional documents to us or your Cosigner Agreement.

Thank you!  We will be in touch soon!

Pay $50 App Fee + APPLY Online

Things you need to upload
(with your Application)

  1. Photo ID: required for all Applicants
  2. Income: (2) Months Pay Stubs. New employment requires Bank records showing YOUR name - see below.
  3. If not a US Citizen: attach a Visa, Passport, or Green Card.  Undocumented will not qualify.
  4. Active students or recent Graduates needing  Cosigner support: attach applicable Enrollment Verification / Schedule / Scholarship or Financial Award / or Graduation verification.
  5. All occupants 18 yrs+ must apply.
Separate Application Fee: $50

     Application Fees are Non-Refundable

Pay $50 Application Fee + APPLY Online

                     Things you need to upload 

                   (with your Application)

  1. Photo ID:  required for all Applicants
  2. Income: (2) Months Pay Stubs.  New employment requires Bank records showing YOUR name - see below.
  3. If not a US Citizen:  attach a Visa / Passport / Green Card
  4. Active students or recent Graduates needing Cosigner support: attach applicable Enrollment Verification / Schedule / Scholarship or Financial Award / or Graduation verification.
  5. All occupants 18 yrs+ must apply.


Applying & Qualifying

We look forward to renting with You!

  • To apply, you must first Tour the apartment or have someone tour it for you, as a Proxy.
  • Each occupant/tenant to be 18 yrs+ of age at move-in, must apply separately and individually
  • Minor dependent occupants must be listed on the parent/guardians' Application.
  • Photo ID or Driver's License is required for every applicant.
  • For Non-U.S. Citizens, a copy of your Passport / Visa / Green Card is required.  Undocumented or incomplete Immigration Status will not qualify.
  • Rent amounts are not negotiable.


  • All occupants/tenants 18 yrs+ at move-in must be approved by a Rental Application to reside at our property. 
  • Guests who stay frequently or more than 4 weeks are subject to application approval and possible Use fees.  
  • Caretakers or Pet sitters must be registered by Name and Ph# with our office for Daily or Overnight visits.
  • If # of occupants/tenants is greater than # of Bedrooms, water and a monthly Use Fee of the premises will apply.
  • Minor dependents, including shared parenting visiting, must be listed on the Rental Application.
  • Bedroom space:  city code requires 80 sqft for 1 occupant/tenant; 120 sqft for 2 occupants/tenants per room.
  • Leased premises are for residential use only and cannot be used to carry on business or trade activities of any type. 
  • Airbnb arrangements or temporary stay arrangements are prohibited. 
  • Changes to accommodate remote work at home arrangements are not offered.


  • Combined gross monthly income of about 3 x Rent, is needed.  (Unemployment benefits do not qualify as income)
  • Proof of Income required:  2 months current paystubs /direct deposit receipts, or income documents with YOUR name printed on the original document.   Screenshots must show YOUR name.
  • For new jobs recently started submit any paystubs received and your Bank Statement to show funds available.
  •  For confirmed new employment starting soon, submit a copy of your Job Offer letter/email and a copy of your Bank Statement verifying funds available to cover three (3) months equal to Rent and Utilities.   YOUR name must show on the documents (hide account or ID numbers).   
  • Proof of other funds in financial accounts in YOUR name are accepted.  No other form of financial gifting is accepted.


  • Cosigners are not required, unless needed to assist application approval of active Students  or approved recent Graduates - some exceptions may apply. 
  • Cosigners are not accepted to replace inadequate income or for other financial reasons, except as stated above with Students or recent Graduates. 
  • Cosigners must be a Parent, Grandparent or Legal Guardian.


  • Application Fees are $50 per Applicant.  Each Applicant 18 yrs+ at move-in must apply individually.
  • Applications are processed only after Fees are paid and all required Documents are submitted online. 
  • Additional documents can be submitted thru 'Send us Docs :: Secure Upload ' (above).
  • Once your Application is approved, be prepared to sign a Lease & pay Move-in costs online at that time.


  • ACH Payments are FREE!
  • Application Fee is $50.00 for each Applicant 18 yrs+ to be paid online when submitting your Application.
  • All fees are Non-Refundable.
  • Money Orders, Personal Checks, Cash and Credit/Debit cards are not accepted. 
  • If requested by Landlord for unusual circumstances, Cashier Checks will be accepted. 
  • A $25 service Fee applies to any payment made by Money Order.

Application Restrictions

  We do everything reasonable to approve applicants.  If we cannot, there are common reasons for denial  

  • Application misrepresentation, omissions, or falsification.
  • Previous Evictions
  • Background check unfavorable
  • Felony charges
  • Some Criminal charges
  • Inadequate Income 
  • Owning excluded Pets
  • Undocumented or Incomplete USA Immigration Status
  • Failure to submit required application documents
  • Failure to comply with touring the apartment
  • Unknown reasons revealed during the application process which may not be approved 


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